On House Budget: Don’t Bail Out The Highway Trust Fund With Gas Tax Hike

American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on the House’s FY2016 budget:

\”The House budget is a step in the right direction toward encouraging more domestic energy development and winding down the Obama administration’s reckless green energy spending. The U.S. is the number one oil and gas producer in the world despite the administration’s policies aimed at blocking energy production on federal lands and propping up expensive renewable energy schemes.\”

\”Whatever ‘sensible reforms’ Congress is planning to fix the Highway Trust Fund, lawmakers should avoid raising the federal gasoline tax to finance this broken system. The Highway Trust Fund shouldn’t get a bailout on the backs of American families.\”

\”This budget proposal is a good start, but Congress must follow through on its promises—not simply pay lip service to sensible energy policy.”


Source: American Energy Alliance