Floridians are struggling with skyrocketing energy bills. The implications for our climate are enormous. Newly introduced legislation could make it all worse.
House Bill 229, filed by state Rep. Bobby Payne, R-Palatka, proposes tweaking the structure of Florida’s Public Service Commission. The PSC is the agency in charge of deciding how much utility corporations charge Floridians for their energy.
The bill would allow the PSC to operate year-over-year without seeking re-approval each fiscal year and removes a check on PSC rulemaking. If passed, HB 229 could lead to less public oversight of decisions made by the commission, which has a history of being overly friendly to the utilities it is supposed to regulate. Taking PSC decisions out of the public eye will increase the energy burden for millions while greasing the wheels for more fossil fuel use.
Energy burden — the percentage of one’s income that is used for energy bills — is a critical component of measuring equity in the clean energy transition away from fossil fuels. In Miami, one in four low-income households has an energy burden above 11%, more than 3.5 times higher than the national average.
In Tampa Bay, one in 10 households spends more than 10% of their income on energy bills. In the most recent U.S. Energy Information Administration reports, Tampa Electric customers pay the second-highest electricity bills in the country for similarly sized service areas.
Increased oversight of the PSC is necessary to protect Floridians struggling with high energy burden — HB 229 takes us in the wrong direction. As Duke and Tampa Electric Company (TECO) rate cases approach in 2024, the public needs more opportunity to make their voices heard, not less.
Rising bills are directly connected to rising seas. Climate-killing fracked gas makes up a staggering 74% of Florida’s energy mix. For-profit utility corporations pass off their infrastructure and fuel costs to Florida residents and businesses, who have very little opportunity to weigh in on the energy choices these utilities make. HB 229 has the potential to remove annual fiscal review and oversight of PSC rulemaking and threatens to increase barriers to public participation, stifling much-needed action to move off fossil fuels.
Unfortunately, legislation like this is business-as-usual in Tallahassee. The past few years have seen an onslaught of pro-utility bills pass the state Legislature — from preemption of local efforts to move off fossil fuels to the promotion of costly dirty fuels like “renewable natural gas.”
Meanwhile, the PSC has become a rubber stamp for utility-requested rate increases, awarding, for instance, Florida Power and Light a $4.868 billion rate increase in 2021. Although the courts have ordered the PSC to use due diligence in future cases, the body is still under the supervision and control of utility-friendly Gov. Ron DeSantis and his super-majority state Legislature. HB 229 threatens to further distance the body from much-needed public input.
In the absence of state leadership, grassroots groups throughout the state have been turning to local governments to alleviate the energy burden. In response to activist pressure, the city of Tampa released a Climate Action and Equity Plan that draws a clear line between eliminating fossil fuels and reducing energy burden.
Activism is turning the tide. As we continue to build grassroots pressure, we are ultimately building the political power to fight legislation in Tallahassee like HB 229 that strengthens the utility stranglehold on energy justice and climate progress. Floridians are prepared to fight.
Source: SunSentinel