After Spending $8 Million to Deceive Solar Voters, FPL Shamefully Hikes Rates by $811 Million
Critics of the rate hike say FPL is bilking consumers out of money just because nobody will stop them. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
Critics of the rate hike say FPL is bilking consumers out of money just because nobody will stop them. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
After spending most of 2016 wasting millions on a failed campaign designed to trick consumers into giving up their rights to solar panels, FPL is now hiking rates despite already bringing in profits of more than $1.5 billion per year. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
Opponents say FPL, already sucking water from the aquifer-and now canals-is threatening environmental ruin. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
Critics: Turkey Point Sucking Us Dry Read More »